Message from the Director (Mrs. Medina Abakar)

"Focus on Africa Development Inc. commits to the process of incorporating a gender perspective into our organizational policies, strategies, administrative functions and organizational culture.

Focus on Africa Development Inc. is at its most effective at delivering gender-integrated programming when our own corporate policies and processes are gender-sensitive and support

We recognize that this is an ongoing process that will require Director FOAD sustained commitment of will, time and resources.

We further recognize that gender inequality is a relational issue, and as such, it can only be addressed by working with men as well as women, in practice this will require us to examine and where necessary) revise the policies, formal and informal practices, and characteristics of our organization to ensure that they support gender equality.
Our activities will include:
Gender-sensitive policies: Gender-sensitive language and gender equality principles incorporated into policies.
committed leadership: Leaders regularly communicating and demonstrating their commitment to organizational gender equality, e.g., through the recognition of efforts to advance policy objectives.
Gender training: Gender capacity building opportunities made available to staff, e.g., through trainings and E-learning platforms.

HR practices: Gender-sensitive and gender-equitable practices integrated into:

  • Job recruitment and hiring;
  • Performance evaluations;
  • Remuneration-related processes to ensure equal pay for equal work.

Female staff targets: Our ambition is to achieve gender balance across all countries all levels. "

Third party and collabore monitoring

"Strengthening compliance in places where access is limited"

Focus on Africa Development Inc. utilizes monitoring and data collection methodologies which include both traditional methods, and the deployment of technology to gather, synthesise, and communicate data.

While ensuring types of monitoring activities undertaken are appropriate and proportionate to the types of projects being monitored, as well as other practical and financial considerations. Ensuring tailored and consistence approaches that are adjustable and can be standardized to fit our clients' protocols.

For complex operating environments where direct access to programmes and beneficiaries is challenging. Our team of TPM experts have an impressive track record and are able to offer increasingly sophisticated data collection and management systems, based on the sole or combined use of handheld devices and common platforms, to enable the automated aggregation and analysis of data

Planning: Expectations, Standards and Due Diligence:

We develop clear and achievable goals for monitoring of programmes, combined with the ability to set clear expectations, ensuring that the planning and delivery stages of TPMs result in practical, efficient and effective results. While at the same time ensuring that partners whose activities are to be monitored are made aware of the purpose and benefits of being monitored, Increasing the potential to deliver dividends both in the medium and in the longterm.

Collaborative Approaches:

Focus on Africa Development Inc. works to strengthen the capacity of partner institutions to integrate collaborative monitoring into programme design. By improving their ability to establish clear protocols around information collection, storage and sharing. Providing a source of primary field data to inform programming and help verify partner reporting.

Training and Capacity Development

Throughout the years Focus on Africa has been involved in the design and delivery of capacity development programmes and the production of training materials and the promotion of participatory and experiential modes of training. FOAD specializes in:

  • Management training;
  • Feasibility studies;
  • Project formulations and appraisals;
  • Strategic plan development;
  • Project impact assessment.

Continuous Monitoring and evaluation

In conducting surveys and assessing the impact of humanitarian and development interventions, FOAD has the expertise and experience of carrying out M&E assignments, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches.


Child Protection Policy

Providing access to safe water and adequate sanitation.

Religious, Political & Welfare activities policy

sensitization of Community Groups on clean Environment